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Prayer, In The Prospect Of Death (第1/1页)
prayer, in the prospect of death
o thou unknown, almighty cause
of all my hope and fear!
in whose dread presence, ere an hour,
perhaps i must appear!
if i have wander'd in those paths
of life i ought to shun,
as something, loudly, in my breast,
remonstrates i have done;
thou know'st that thou hast formed me
with passions wild and strong;
and list'ning to their witching voice
has often led me wrong.
where human weakness has come short,
or frailty stept aside,
do thou, all-good—for such thou art—
in shades of darkness hide.
where with intention i have err'd,
no other plea i have,
but, thou art good; and goodness still
delighteth to forgive.